Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Discussion Question

Choose two different points from our discussion of communism - from Owen through Marx/Engels through Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin through Mao/Lin/Deng/Zhou. Write a paragraph on the two points you want to make and how they are related to each other.


  1. In the revolution, Lenin and Marx think of doing the revolution but not in the same way they think very different but the same spirit of revolution. Lenin went on argue that the people who would have to bring “socialist consciousness” to the working class “from without” would be “professional revolutionaries”. Marx’s theory of socialist revolution is grounded on the fundamental principle that “the emancipation of the working class must be the work of the working class itself”. DANIEL MONCAYO :)

  2. Daniel Moncayo -
    What do you think of >Owen's beliefs - are they closer to the ideas of Lenin or of Marx?

  3. The beliefs of Owen's were closest to Marx ideas, because they think about almost the same things.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. In the commmunism, many people does not know the revolution as Mao want to do the Great Leap Forward, the people of China recently knew that Mao with the GLF wont less China progress, and
    Deng Xiao Ping want to open the principal Door to economy to other countries to China progress---- such as----Marx and Lenin want to revolution of working class and derrote a capitalism to make free to all people that works as employs,so the pricipal point of these people is, to make communism for every person and receives equal. That is the point that Mao, Lenin and Marx wants the revolution because they wants all people have something in common.

    att: Qiabin Zhang Zh.

  6. In someway Lenin its related to Mao, why?. Because Mao wnated to adopt a change to China like Russia did. There began the Great Leap Forward, wich was a failure. But not only in the that aspect, but when Mao took control of China he distributed them similar as Lenin distributed Bolsheviks. Mao copied or wanted to copy Lenin ideas, wich those ideas came from Marx. But the difference is that Russian people accpeted the change by Lenin, altough in China it was a failure and people started to critizice Mao about it.
    Daniel López.

  7. I agree with Moncayo point of view, since Lenin took the idea of Marx and made it better, so people would stand up and start making some progress in the revolutions...
    Daniel López

  8. With Qiabin ill say that yes Den XiaoPing wnate dto open the doors for a new type of communism, but Lenin didnt just wnat the people to stop working as emplyees(slaves) he wnated the power too, and not all of them wnated the equlity for everyone, like i said, they wnated to have power, to control everything. Thatas my point of view
    Daniel Lopez

  9. DDaniel - do you think Deng XiaoPing wanted power too?

  10. I agree in some way with Lopez but Mado don't exactly copied Lenin, but in some part its true, Mao failed

  11. Mao Zedong's thought is Marxism-Leninism of the era in which imperialism is heading for total collapse and socialism is advancing to world-wide victory.Mao Zedong's thought is the guiding principle for all the work of the Party, the army and the country.Social and cultural and political change are driven by transformations in the mode of production. More particularly, as Deng Xiaoping emphasized after the passing of Mao, the forces of production ( the productive and technological capacities of the economy) are key. If the economy is poor and underdeveloped, that will shape the politics, culture and society. Mao fundamentally rejected this view to horrible effect during the Great Leap Forward. He was impatient with a stricter materialism (which suggested that China could not reach "socialism" or "communism" for many decades) and he emphasized the relations of production: the social organization and motivations of people.
    After the visible accumulation of power in the hands of Lin Biao drew the suspicions of other leaders, so that even Mao Zedong began to suspect the intentions of Lin Biao, who has opposed the eventual establishment of relations between China and the United States as a feature of Lin Biao was his refusal to make alliances or tactical retreats when circunstances demanded it. Moving away from the theories of Mao, Lin Biao fell from grace in 1970. As said, introducing his fall from power, decided to participate in a coup against Mao, with Soviet help to install a new regime discovered in this attempt died in conditions not yet completely clear, in a plane crash.
    Ma. Victoria Díaz.

  12. Marx and Lenin, both have the idea of a revolution but doing diferrent. Marx has a theore that was called "Marxism" is the theory of Communism and how it is SUPPOSED to work in a perfect society. And Lenin has a different theory called "Leninism" is the type of government, based on the principles of Marxism as interpreted by Lenin, that Lenin attempted to use in Russia. It is the practical application of Marxism put to use by Lenin for that particular time and place. Leninism was basically a dictatorship which he hoped would lead to communism being established in Russia.

    att: Maria Jose Castro 4to VI

  13. i agree with daniel lopez cause mao at a certain way wants to follow lenin because both wanted a chenge, but mao failed and in lenin case, people of russia acepted the change and for that now russia was a potential country! :)

    att: Maria Jose Castro

  14. Marx and Lenin where very different but very similar at the time. One from Germany and the other from the USSR. Marx think that a worker's revolution could be done if the workers command their revolution. Lenin think that a worker's revolution could only be concrete if professionals get encharged to help the ignorant ones (workers) so they can get a better result.

    Ilse Garcia.

  15. I also agree with Lopez because by looking carefully to all mao's actions they only think he wanted is to follow in some case to Lenin's idea. the difference was that Mao failed by taking over the agriculture because people get dead, the food was too expensive because there was no food on the country. ;)

    Ilse Garcia

  16. mao, lin biao, xiao ping and zhou enlai were very similar at the same they were diferent.they only wanted the best for his comunities but two of those leaders force people by making they obey all the things they believe and the other two xreate another cominitie because the where tired of see people hurted or killed but i say the thing that they were the same are that they wanted to be better and have the best for his comunities

    Alan Cevallos

  17. OK... So I will compare Lenin and Mao, Mao wanted to change china with good intention of course so he made the great leap forward and in part of cultural revolution were try to improve china with all new and been industrialized. He failed but all that new ideas was which is easier to compare because Lenin also try to get new ideas to get some action not all the same stuff but people were ok with Lenin changes.
    Kun Liao

  18. Now the next assignment is to comment others posts but what should I said because yes I agreed with all of them all are good, correct, well done I just dont know what to say.
    Kun Liao

  19. i agree with daniel lopez because he said that like lenin he want changes and better thing and ideas to put in practice GTF failed but with errors the people learn and russia with lenins plan dont failed son until now russia is a powerful country

    Alan Cevallos

  20. I agree wih everyone.Done two comments.

    Kun Liao

  21. lenin and marx both had ideas for workers, but with marx not all were agree in his ideas such as money capital and biness. both are communist ideology, although some have to modified it to adapt to a new and local political circunstances
    by alejandra venegas

  22. Lenin and Marx had the same theories of communism but different ideas of how to do it. Marx thought that the revolution would come naturally from the workers but Lenin thought that there was going to be a revolution but there had to be professionals that would help and lead the workers to make the revolution in a right way that would lead to communism being established in Russia.

    Solange Noboa.

  23. No no no its not that they werent agree with marx its just that the idea of marx is to wait that all will come to them with the time but lenin said that they have to get prepared.
    Kun Liao

  24. i agree with ilse garcia because how we now lenin and marx both had ideas for workers but they couldnt finish it because of all the problems. lenin thinking to get workers that are professionals to help the ignorent the workers that didnt know a lot helping them to be better in what they do
    alejandra venegas:)

  25. also im agree with daniel lopez because both had some of the same ideas they want a change but both failed because they couldnt finish with it.
    alejandra venegas

  26. I think Mao, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping, Zhou Enlai, were all similar cause all of they want a better comunity, Lin Biao the vicecharming of the communist party of rightist, Den Xiaoping the leader of the rightist party that want a chang in Chine, Zhou Enlai want a chang in China's communism and Mao creates the Cultural Revolition and the Great Leap Forward, he also wants something new and for that reason he want to destroy the four olds, they fight for their ideas. Since all the revolutions, they always want the best for their community, and they fight for that, altough all of that revolutions failed.

    Arianna Martínez Intriago.

  27. I also agree with Majo Castro, cause it's true that Marxism and Lennism were the same theories, but with different ideas of Marx and Lenin.
    Arianna Martínez Intriago

  28. i agree with arkais because the differencee between marixism and leninism is that marxism wanted a revoltution made by the workers and lenin wanted a revolution but with professionals. good leadears. but is the same theoryb:)

    arianna Burgos.

  29. I agree with majo and Ari because they where both good theories, even some they don't get no longer and had many different different ideas of both.

    Reina Vasquez

  30. Lenin and Marx their both theories were put into practice at the time. Lenin was Marxist, and Marxism is of course the basis of his world outlook. Lenism is the theory and tactics of the proletarian revolution in general, the theory and tactics of the dictatorship of the proletariat in particular. By the way Marxism is an economic and social system based upon the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Engels. Marx saw the very social position of the class forced it to struggled against it's capitalist condition. As a result of social development the system where man exploits areas. And like u just said this theories are "continuing" in some places like Cuba and Venezuela.

  31. The one from above it's me :)

    Reina Vasquez

  32. marx and engels both wanted a change y some ideas and they want that this ideas be practice. marx created the communist manifesto with engels because they giving in this manifesto the things that they think and giving ideas marx and engels talk about the explotion of people in this case workers marx anda engels were desagree with it so that how they give their ideas by the communist manifesto
    alejandra venegas

  33. i also agree with lopez because Mao and lenin wanted a change in their countries .Mao attemp change China making the greap leap forward and this kinds of projects but but failed because of the massacres and what people were talking about him .in the case of lenin i thnik that he had better ideas and people of russia understood him this is the reason of why he dont failed.

    Isidoro Martinez
